What to look for when selecting a modern preservationist?

Modern floral preservation or floral resin art has gained tremendous popularity in recent years. As a result, hundreds of new preservation artists are advertising this service for wedding flower and memorial preservation. So, how do you differentiate the best preservationists?

When selecting a floral preservation artist, the first things to look for are:

  • How long has the artist been in business?

    Resin art preservation has only been around for a few years, which means it’s hard to see who has a long track record but it also means that artists who have at least a year had solve dozens of challenges before there was a “best practice.” These artists know how to avoid little miscalculations that can completely destroy your one-of-a-kind preservation.

  • How robust and diverse is their portfolio?

    Seeing is usually believing. The artist should have +100 preservations and collections of keepsakes on their website, Instagram, Facebook, etc. An artist who’s been in business for a year should have at least 100 projects that they’re proud of and captured with quality photography…that also means they likely have another 50-100 that didn’t make the best-of-the-best list.

  • Do you see multiple or major imperfections in their portfolio, like bubbles, warped or wavy lines, dead-looking flowers, smooshed or unnatural flowers?

    Flower preservation is a manual process with dozens of variables that can cause imperfections. Heck, we say our art is “Perfectly Imperfect” but an experienced artist knows the temperatures, speed, techniques, and has invested in technology (degassing chambers, heat guns, and HDPE resin molds) that reduce or eliminate yellowing, micro-bubbles, air pockets, and other imperfections.

If you’re considering preserving your flowers in a resin artwork, I’m happy to share my experiences and recommendations to see if I’m the artist for your custom floral preservation. If Mindfultreeart.com isn’t the best fit for you, I know many amazing artists that may better meet your needs. You can contact me directly or fill out an inquiring form anytime.


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